12-16 Bespoke Provision 

Bespoke and specialist alternative education provision for students aged 12-16.  Partial and full time provision from several days through to full academic years.  Programmes are designed to take into account individual student’s individual needs.  Programmes are engaging, interesting and linked to both  curriculum and EHCP  targets . 

Student Benefits

Flexible bespoke education with small groups/one to one support where pupils will have individual programmes of support and an allocated key worker. Pupils may follow national curriculum and complete materials sent by their school or undertake bespoke programmes with the option of completing full qualifications including Functional Skills, Certificate or Diploma courses with all study in a supportive, enjoyable and engaging learning environment.

School Benefits

If the student is still on school role we can provide swift interventions when you need them, (with pupils away from your school premises) 

Programmes can be accessed to provide provision during fixed term exclusions or as part of a package of bespoke  learning in conjunction with both school attendance and parents/carers.

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