Post 16
Specialist education provision for young people aged 16 – 18 with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP).
KIR4U offer POST 16 support and provision provision for young people with a range of support needs. Programmes are designed to take into account individual learner’s requirements (including complex needs), personal preference, learning goals and outcomes. Programmes are supportive, engaging, interesting and linked to qualifications such as Functional Skills, NVQs,Asdan , and personal goals such as independent living,Travel training and life skills.All learners will have access to a careers advisor .
Depending on learner support needs, some learners will attend a college placement as part of their programme or a work experience placement.
Learners are supported to develop the skills, confidence and competences needed to progress into full time employment ,supported education or Apprenticeships.
We work closely with parents/carers to plan and deliver programmes that are supportive and closely align with learners and parent/carers needs.
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