We create be- spoke packages of personalised education for young people who are disengaged from traditional education. We aim to re engage the young person who will be allocated a key worker and will work in a small group or on a 1-1 basis(depending on activity) .
We offer a team around the child approach working alongside parents/carers and any other professionals involved.Our aim is to work alongside and help support and enable the young person to reach their full potential .All courses are on an individual basis to meet their needs.Any package of support can be on a part time or full time basis .
COVID 19- All activities are subject to government guidelines .Comprehensive risk assessments will be carried out for all courses /activities and are available upon request .
Workshop Based Activities to include:
General woodworking skills
Learning how to use various hand tools in which to make and create projects that are individual to the learner ie: bird tables bird boxes, dog beds, bookcases, game console cupboards ,gaming chairs there are way too many items to list completely.
Welding Activities
Learning how to weld the main joints used within the welding world then going onto fabricate your own individual projects and sculpture work. (on hold due to Covid 19)
Learning how to prepare the area ready learn how to mix plaster correctly and then learning how to skim plaster onto the walls and get the wall level and to a professional finish.
Learning life skills how to prepare and cook various types of food in the correct safe manner preparing for life as an independent adult. (on hold due to Covid 19)
Arts and Crafts
Using different mediums we Help to bring out the learner’s own preference and style within arts and crafts area from pictures to sculptures etc
Woodland activities to include:
Green Woodwork, Team working, planning designing learning to use various tools and work skills
Individual working, using old fashioned traditional techniques and methods
Using traditional methods and techniques to create items using the forge heat to shape hot metal into different craft forms.
Woodland Activities:
Team working assessing fencing, work areas, assisting with repairs where and when necessary and considering the area, conservation and working with and alongside nature and animals.
The activities will all use hand – eye coordination, dexterity, learning both individual skills and team working skills, how to use and make tools to solve problems, social skills, life skills embedding both Maths and English where possible all activities are therapeutic, and students will be shown differentiation and will learn at their own pace. We will also provide a learner journey to show how far students have progressed with their time with us.
We are using this model to get the students to learn real life skilled situations and vocational work skills when they access our hand picked specialised centres with then the possibility of getting back into school, on a regular basis also open to taking the students out into the community where possible to get them ready for society as young adults and wherever possible into employment or signpost them on to specialised colleges depending upon their age.
We will also provide Maths , English And ICT Qualifications at various levels dependent on need of foundation skills as required and wherever it is possible qualifications in approved centres.
Asdan Qualifications
This incorporates a range of short courses to suit student need and will teach the student a range of both academic and vocational subjects as well as life skills .
Hairdressing level 1 - This will teach basic hairdressing techniques as well as self care and personal hygiene .
Mentoring sessions
1:1 sessions with students to meet need This includes Sexual Health , Healthy Relationships , Drugs and Alcohol Awareness, Emotional Resilience and detailing with anxiety .
Home Tuition
Home tuition within the home or an alternative suitable venue.
Online Learning
The use of an online learning platform should the student be unable to access other areas with tutor support .
Work Experience
The opportunity for the student to participate in a range of work experience options if suitable .
Motor Vehicle
Learning basic motor vehicle skills within a garage style setting keeping it real for the learner.
This list is not exhaustive please contact us with your requirements
© Copyright K.I.R.4.U (Keeping it real 4u)